What Are The Negative Side Effects Of Delta 8?


Although Delta 8 can help with many issues, it’s vital to be knowledgeable about its side effects. Here are possible reactions you could experience after using delta 8. Note that not everyone will have these same experiences since they differ in severity. If you’re apprehensive at all, make sure to consult your physician before consuming anything!

What Is Delta-8 THC?

Delta 8-THC is something that is found in almost every smoke shop in many forms, but what exactly is Delta 8-THC?

Delta 8-THC is an isomer of Delta 9-THC and the main active ingredient of the cannabis plant. A structural isomer refers to a molecule that shares the same molecular formula but differs slightly in structure. This is exactly the case for Delta 8-THC and Delta 9-THC. The only difference between them is the position of the double bond.

Small variances in a drug’s chemical structure can frequently result in significant variations in the pharmacological effects of the same medication. Delta 8-THC has comparable effects, although there are some differences as well. Both are partial agonists of cannabinoid receptors, to be precise.

Overall, Delta 8 is moderately less potent than Delta 9, but at a large enough dosage, they essentially produce similar effects. Although not entirely the same but similar.

So, is Delta 8-THC a synthetic chemical, or is it naturally present in the cannabis plant? Well, small amounts are naturally present but they can also be produced entirely synthetically. The way most Delta 8 is likely produced by the industry is by chemically treating natural cannabidiol or CBD that has been extracted from the cannabis plant. It is essentially a naturally occurring compound but for most purposes, it’s chemically produced from a natural precursor.

Is Delta 8-THC Safe?

Unfortunately, it is also a complicated question to answer.

  • First of all, there haven’t been any large-scale clinical trials investigating the effects of Delta 8_THC. While it is unlikely particularly harmful, as it is a natural; constituent of the cannabis plant, it remains unclear are the associated health risks are, particularly when consuming large amounts chronically.
  • Second, depending on the Delta 8 product in question the manufacturing process can result in impurities or add other toxic ingredients which may not be safe for consumption.

There isn’t a whole lot of regulation for these products as they are in a legal grey area. There are also many counterfeit products for inhalation devices liquids and oils used in vaporizers and all of those may have their health risks with poor quality control, poor manufacturing practices, and sometimes even falsified analytical documents.

It remains practically impossible to say whether a product you’re consuming is truly safe for you. This is not to promote any trunk use, but if you are someone who is intending to try them out, it is strongly advised to take all the precautionary measures to minimize all the risks involved. And ultimately, if you plan to try them, it is advisable to against using them chronically.

Be aware that these are potent psychotropic substances that should be handled with care.

What Are The Negative Side Effects Of Delta 8?

Delta 8-THC may cause some individuals minor discomfort due to the following side effects, though these negative impacts aren’t as severe as those typically caused by THC:

Dry Mouth

Delta-8 may induce dry mouth, just like Delta-9 THC. This is because saliva production is reduced. Drinking lots of water and chewing sugar-free gum or candy can help stimulate saliva production if Delta 8 makes your mouth feel dry.

Bloodshot Eyes

Some people reported less desirable effects from Delta 8 THC, such as bloodshot eyes. This can cause the user’s eyes to appear red and irritated. While this is not a common side effect, it is something that some users may experience.


Delta 8 THC is a potent cannabinoid, and as such, it can cause hallucinations in high doses. If you are susceptible to psychosis or have a family history of mental illness, Delta 8 could exacerbate your condition. Use caution when consuming this cannabinoid.


While THC is known to decrease anxiety levels in most people, Delta 8 may have the opposite effect. Some users report feeling anxious after using products containing this cannabinoid. If you’re prone to anxiety, use Delta 8 with caution.


Like anxiety, paranoia is another common side effect of Delta 8 THC. If you’re prone to paranoia or have a family history of mental illness, use Delta 8 with caution.


Delta 8 may cause dizziness in some users. If you experience this side effect, drink plenty of water and lie down until the feeling passes.


Delta 8 may cause nausea in some individuals. If you experience this side effect, drink plenty of water and eat something to settle your stomach.


Delta 8 may cause headaches in some people. If you experience this side effect, drink plenty of water and take a pain reliever if needed.

These are the most common negative side effects associated with Delta 8 THC use. However, it’s important to keep in mind that everyone reacts differently to cannabinoids. What causes one person discomfort may not have the same effect on another person. Always start with a small dose and increase gradually as needed. Consult with a doctor or medical professional before using Delta 8 THC if you have any concerns.

With So Many Different Delta 8 Products On The Market, How Do You Know Which One Is Right For You?

The team at CannabisExtracts usually utilizes CO2 to extract Delta 8 from raw cannabis, but most other companies prefer using ethanol in their products that contain delta 8 THC.

Many businesses use heat to extract cannabis compounds such as CBD and cannabinol (CBN), among others, with the same alcohol extraction approach. This allows them to separate each cannabinoid as they choose and then combine them before packaging the finished product; the method is also used for Delta 8, CBD, and CBN items on the market now.

How Long Does Delta 8 Take Effects?

When it comes to delta 8 THC, there are a few things to consider regarding how long it takes for the effects to kick in. First and foremost, it depends on how the product is consumed. For instance, if delta 8 THC is inhaled via vaping, the effects will start in around 6 minutes. However, if delta 8 THC is consumed orally, it can take up to 2 hours for the effects to be felt.

In general, the peak effects of delta 8 THC will be felt within 30 minutes to 2.5 hours after consumption, though they can last up to 5 hours. It’s important to keep in mind that everyone responds differently to delta 8 THC, so the timeline may vary from person to person.


Delta 8 is a potent cannabinoid that has both beneficial and harmful side effects, which should be considered before taking it. The most typical Delta 8 adverse effect is anxiety, which can be induced by the high THC content in the mixture. In certain individuals, Delta 8 might cause dry mouth, dizziness, or paranoia. It’s critical to speak with your doctor before using Delta 8 or any other cannabinoid to ensure it’s safe for you.


About Author

Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. CascadeBusNews.com • CBN@CascadeBusNews.com

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