What’s Brewing Election Series Concludes with Two Debates in October


State House on October 2 and City Council on October 9

As the election season heats up, the Bend Chamber will be hosting two debates in October as part of its What’s Brewing Election Series. The first is for the state house race where seats are open for Districts 53 and 54. This debate will be held on Tuesday, October 2 with three candidates participating:

District 53 Candidates
Eileen Kiely (D)
Jack Zika (R)

District 54 Candidates
Cheri Helt (R)

The second debate is for the City Council Positions 5 and 6 race. This debate will be held on Tuesday, October 9 with five candidates participating:

Position 5 Candidates
Andrew Davis
Gena Goodman-Campbell
Victor Johnson

Position 6 Candidates
Barb Campbell
Sarah McCormick

Audience members will hear where the candidates stand on a broad range of issues. These are sure to be exciting and informative debates.

Each debate is co-moderated by Katy Brooks (Bend Chamber), Aaron Switzer (The Source Weekly), and Curtis Vogel (C.O. Daily/Zolo Media).

The format of the debates will present questions from the moderators to the candidates without prior viewing. There will also be an interactive audience question and answer component so attendees can engage with the candidates.

Event Details for Both Debates
Location: 10 Barrel East Side Pub, 62950 NE 18th Street
Time: 5-7pm
Cost: Chamber Members: $25, General Public $35, ($5 more at the door)

OCT. 2 – House Districts: https://bendchamber.org/bend-event/whats-brewing-district-53-54-forum-debate/
OCT. 9 – City Council: https://bendchamber.org/bend-event/whats-brewing-city-council/


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