It pays to have good credit, particularly in tough economic times. Why? The difference between getting a loan with a low interest rate vs. getting a loan with a high interest rate could mean thousands of extra dollars in interest payments over the life of the loan. Get the tools you need to lay a solid foundation for your future.
Attend a Free Financial Workshop, Build a Strong Credit History, on Tuesday, February 26 at 6pm at Mid Oregon Credit Union East Bend office,
Your credit score is based on how you use credit, and it’s a number you can control. Unfortunately, many people don’t understand the long-term consequences of their day-to-day financial decisions. Your credit history, good or bad, follows you throughout your lifetime and has a significant impact on your family’s well-being and overall bottom line. At the workshop, you’ll learn:
- Who needs to build good credit and why
- The significance of your credit report and credit score
- How to establish credit if you don’t have any
- How to rebuild a good credit history
- Tips for using credit wisely
- Pitfalls that could cost you plenty
Call 541-382-1795 to reserve your seat. Refreshments will be served.