The gaming market is not standing still. It is no longer enough to just promote a game. We spend many hours planning and preparation before the game was launched. An important place in this is occupied by the search for keywords. Can mobile game promote your business by the same keywords? Yes!
The mobile game promotes your audience. To avoid developing a game for a non-existent audience, it is necessary to conduct full market research. Explore game types and find trending niches. Seeing what people are looking for is usually a good indicator of a certain interest.
If, on the other hand, you’ve already developed a game, research your competitors. See what functionalities and features they have and which of them they did better than you. Be honest with yourself. This approach will help you determine your points of focus and will save you headaches later on.
Make a list of their principal functionalities and choose which ones will you add to your project to stand out among the rest. Find your niche to rank and picture your competitors before starting, which will also be useful to determine your project’s budget.
You also need keywords for your ad campaign. A mobile game promotes your business with the same keywords. Creating an effective keyword list takes time, effort, and focus. Use the brainstorming technique for search keywords. Write down all associations that you have with your product. Your keywords should describe your app’s features, mechanics, technical characteristics. Answer the question: Which user’s problems it can solve? Then, formulate search requests based on it.
When it comes to choosing your keywords, it’s important to keep it simple and relevant. Your conversion rate on keywords impacts the algorithm, so if you’re using keywords that are off-target and not resulting in conversions, the algorithm will lower your rankings for that keyword.
Promote your application gradually. Think about all the main points of the marketing strategy. You need to devote enough time and effort to create a keyword cloud because mobile game promotes your business by the keywords.