Data glossaries, dictionaries and catalogues have existed for years now, but are rarely updated. Considering how fast the world and our industries are evolving, it becomes imperative that we renew our data tools for effective data governance.
Let’s find out the definitions of basic data tools.
- Data Glossary
Data glossaries contain business terms along with their definitions and how they’re used. They are created and managed by the business itself to improve business understanding. Organizations have several data dictionaries but only one data glossary.
- Data Dictionary
A data dictionary contains records about other things in the database, such as data ownership, data’s relationships with other objects, and other data. It helps users to know about the other existing objects in a database.
- Data Catalog
A data catalogue combines the components of data glossary and dictionary. It tells customers about the available data sets and metadata of a particular subject and helps them to locate it quickly. A data catalogue is necessary for business users because it brings together all the items of an organization’s data into an organized, easy and understandable form.
Updating an organization’s business glossary is also essential as it improves data governance, by organizing a list of terms with their meanings. Data dictionary and business glossary have different meanings but are often interchanged.
A data dictionary is basically a document which provides information about your data and its attributes whereas, a business glossary defines the vocabulary of a business used within an organization. Business glossaries help web-developers and IT managers to understand data definitions with their explanation. You could read the following data dictionary vs. business glossary article to understand the difference between the two terms in detail.
Why Must Data Glossaries, Dictionaries and Catalogues Evolve?
The physical forms of Encyclopedia available to us years ago, slowly surrendered to their death after the rise of Wikipedia because it did not evolve to fit the needs of its users in a rapidly growing world.
Just like the encyclopedia, our data tools could also disappear if we don’t keep them updated.
Most organizations have certain repositories or storage locations where information is secured in database tools like Microsoft SQL Server or Excel spreadsheets. These tools are inclusive and serve users from anywhere through a centralized data governance organization.
Data Library
In simpler terms, a data library is composed of data glossaries, dictionaries, catalogues and its users.
The data libraries give organizations a foundation to deliver a strong system, a system that is built to assist data users of any given organization to get the required information.
Data libraries provide institutions support to produce a sustainable system which will expand with time, without coming to a halt growth-wise.
Choose Perfection Over Practicality
To get the most out of our data, it is best if we reanalyze every choice until the perfect one.
Instead of controlling everything about how our data is used, direct your concerns towards creating data value. Ask how the techniques and tools applied will add value to the data.
Data glossaries, dictionaries and catalogues have no value unless they are used in a way which adds meaning to and enhances the business.
Importance of Speed
In the present world waiting even 5 seconds for a web page to load seems time-consuming. Organizations must realize that importance of speed and ease of usability are essential factors for users. Hence, our tools must be updated accordingly so they will not become unworthy and unresponsive.
If we simplify our tools and enhance their speed, we make it convenient for users and our tools will be used more. Increased use of data tools means an increased influence on the business with time.
The people who build and maintain the data must strive towards creating data which is of value. Encyclopedias didn’t know how to evolve into Wikipedia and we must take a lesson from it by evolving, learning and flourishing or data tools.