The Bend Metropolitan Planning Organization Policy Board will consider amendments to the 2021-24 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program upon a 21-day public comment period.The meeting will be held on September 21.
The amendments will be considered at a public meeting of the Bend Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Policy Board. Public comment can be provided via email to or during public comment at the Bend MPO Policy Board meeting.
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23 CFR § 450.316 requires explicit consideration and response to public comment received during the program development process. Public, staff, agency, and other interested party comments received prior to the adoption hearing are first reviewed by staff. Comments requiring minor revisions are addressed by staff. Such comments might include requests for additional information or clarification of information. Comments on policy issues or specific projects will be considered by the Policy Board at the public hearing. Comments received during the public hearing will be discussed at the public hearing. The Policy Board and staff will determine the most appropriate manner to respond to comments received. If significant changes to the proposed MTIP are recommended as a consequence of comments received, a revised final draft document will be resubmitted to the public for an additional review and comment period. Copies are free of charge and, upon request, will be made available in CD, print, and accessible formats. Upon request, in advance of the meeting, through any of the means listed above, every effort will be made to prepare materials in other formats and in languages other than English, and to provide interpreters in American Sign Language and other languages. Assistive listening devices and large-print materials will be available at the meeting upon request. The Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council (COIC), which is the FTA Section 5307(c) applicant, has consulted with the MPO and concurs that the public involvement process adopted by the MPO for the development of the MTIP satisfies the public hearing requirements that pertain to the development of the Program of Projects for regular Section 5307, Urbanized Area Formula Program, grant applications, including the provision for public notice and the time established for public review and comment.