Opportunity Knocks (OK) Celebrating 20 Years Serving Central Oregon Business & Entrepreneurial Community


OK is a non-profit organization that supports collaborative growth in Central Oregon by matching industry and community leaders with a trusted, local facilitated group of peers who act as peer mentors or an informal Board of Advisors. OK teams provide expertise and insight to help drive team members’ success and enhance the region’s economic and community development.The organization currently manages 24 teams, 198 members and 46 volunteer facilitators from businesses throughout Central Oregon.

These members, facilitators and sponsors gathered recently to party and celebrate together at Rockin’ Dave’s newly opened Backstage Lounge on Greenwood Avenue. As is typical for this group, the gathering was a high energy, fun affair and a chance for members to meet others in the organization and share some great conversation.


Because it is a special time in the history of Opportunity Knocks, the celebration continues with a “20 for 20” discount offered to all new members. We recognize the entrepreneurial spirit in our community and wish to encourage business leaders to join OK with a 20% discount on membership dues when they join an Opportunity Knocks team in 2016.

Wondering if you’d be a good fit for OK? Our members are business owners, entrepreneurs, startup founders or key personnel who are looking for business, professional and/or personal growth. They are motivated, caring, passionate and focused on growth, whatever that might look like for them.

The common ground is that all OK members value growth, inspiration and collaboration. OK members welcome challenge and enjoy assessing new ideas, discussing options, and executing plans of action. They prize confidentiality and respect peer participation and perspectives. They look for shared experiences that can elevate growth in their professional and entrepreneurial skills. They desire a constant – an environment that will always be there for them when they need it. To get an idea of the kinds of members who benefit from OK, check out opp-knocks.org and take a look at the directory of member companies and team rosters. You probably know quite a few!

If you’re interested in learning more or want to take advantage of the “20 for 20” discount, please contact aly@opp-knocks.org, visit the website at opp-knocks.org or stop by the next OK Happy Hour on November 3 from 5 to 6pm at Immersion Brewing to meet other members, facilitators and board members.


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